Dear Blog of Lonster
Man, I've been trying to figure out how to tell you this, but I can't think of a good way. You've been there for me through thick and thin, through good times and bad. You've given me the opportunity to vent my frustrations and exercise my limited creativity. You've been my muse. You always listen, even when I'm bored and uninspired, or when I'm angry, or when I'm cheesy and gushing. You've tolerated my stories from way back when, and stories about the insignificant crap that happens to me day to day. You've never complained, and I know you'd put up with me no matter how idiotic I might be. Thanks for being there blog, you've been a great friend to me, but I've always felt that you deserved more. I've wanted you to live up to your potential, but haven't always given you the support you needed. You could be so much more. I may come back and visit you now and then, but...... I'm leaving you. Maybe someday down the road we can make it work again, but for now, I'm history. I'll be thinking about you, and Thanks again. So.... high five Blog of Lonster! I'll catch ya on the flip side. Bye!
Your friend,