Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Man… I just had an awesome vacation!
It’s over now of course, but I’m refreshed and ready to kick some major 2005 butt. Christmas was awesome. I could elaborate extensively, but instead I’ll just say that nothing compares to being with your children on Christmas morning. The kids were super good and beautiful and excited and happy. As we entered the living room Christmas morning, my 16 month old Buddyman hollered “Wowweeeeeee!” with 100% natural unadulterated glee.

We did a whole lot of visiting before Christmas, then a whole lot of not much after Christmas.
On New Years Eve, we packed up and headed to Devils Den. We had a cool old cabin in the woods, and our “real-life” neighbors had a cabin nearby. It was fun, and a good way to top off an already rad vacation.

Here are some vacation statistics:
Vacation Days: 16
Funniest Movie watched: Napoleon Dynamite
Favorite gift received: a kick-butt hat for when its freezing cold outside
Hours spent working: 0
Hours spent smiling: 100
Hours that I thought I was smiling but really wasn’t because my face hurt from smiling too much: 236
Hours spent shopping: 8
Number of visitors to our house: 12
Lowest temperature: 6°
Highest temperature: 68°
Most unfortunate disaster: Tsunami
Most consumed beverage: beer


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