Saturday was a beautiful day for lumber jacktivities. I pulled out my neglected chainsaw and gave it the once over. I sharpened the blade, adjusted the chain, filled it up with fresh clean oil, gassed it up, and headed to the back forty. I was giddy. There’s nothing quite like hearing the wood start to crack when the chainsaw has finished its job, and looking up to watch the dead tree top scrape the blue sky as it agrees to give up its piece of heaven and join its ancestors below with a final thud. It makes my heart pound….. partially from the physical exertion involved, but something else too… the anticipation, the fear that something’s gonna go wrong, the finality…..
One of the trees was completely choked with poison ivy. The vines were as thick as my wrist at the base of the tree. The top of the tree fell off in an ice storm last winter, but there was about 15 feet left. Last summer it was a 15 foot high monument to the Goddess of Oozing Rashes…clad in evil leaves grouped in threes. I was careful, I had gloves, long sleeves, and safety glasses on. I cut through the Ivy with the top of the blade so that the sawdust would shoot away from me. I successfully reduced the tree to a 2 foot stump, then I piled wood around the base of the stump and set it on fire. I kept it burning all day to eliminate the stump. I knew better than to get in the smoke.
It got hot. I took off my flannel shirt. I cut down more dead trees and ended up with saw dust on my arms, I wiped it off with my gloved hand…I was sweating… I wiped my brow with my arm…. Today I write this post while peering through two squinty slits that the Goddess of Oozing Rashes has graciously allowed me to keep even though I toppled her evil temple. I am leaning slightly to the left. This is because my normal man arm has doubled in both mass and volume and is dripping with the sacred ooze.*
The stump is still about 6 inches high and needs to be burned again. The top and middle of the tree are laying where they fell, with the rotting arms of the goddesses minions waving in the breeze and waiting to curse me one last time…….
*Physical symptoms grossly exaggerated for effect