Wednesday, October 13, 2004

flappity flap slap

I’ve been too busy and over/underwhelmed to write anything lately, but today I’m writing. I’ve been preoccupied by :

  1. My deck-which is about 2/3rds done and looks great. Its the last third that really counts when it comes to my long term satisfaction, so I better keep focus.
  2. The presidential election- which is of course out of my hands but I hope that the humans are smart enough to make the right decision. I think that being a human comes before being an American, and only one of the candidates seems to agree with this philosophy. Tonight I’ll be watching the 3rd debate and waiting for Bush to blurt out, “Oh yeah! Well, you’re a big dummyhead!”
  3. My kids- Mr Buddy is cranky because he’s cutting teeth and Miss Sunshine has lost both her front teeth and is learning to do “speed math”.
  4. My family- My youngest brutha, Bobby Sugarpants, came from New York to visit and brought his girlfriend to meet everyone. She seems super cool. The entire extended family came and visited which was awesome, but slightly overwhelming.

This weekend I’ll be crafting more deckage, but now I’ll be wearing long pants.....It's cold man……..


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