Thursday, December 04, 2003

Satan's Virus

For the past 4 days I wondered if I would live or die. It started off pretty innocently, a sneeze here, a sniffle there, but before I knew what was going on, I was a writhing mass of fever and phlegm. I went to bed at 5:00 Monday night to sleep it off. The next morning I fooled myself into getting up and going to work. Big Mistake. I was going through Kleenex like a 10 year old girl at a booby convention. I left work before lunch and got back in bed, that’s when the adventures began…..I was freezing, but finally I shivered myself to sleep. I dreamt I was in a massive cavern that glowed with its own green light. Green flames rose from someplace deep in the labyrinth and burned the backs of my eyes. The air was hot, and it burned my nose, it burned my lungs, it burned my throat. I searched for a way out to get relief from the scorching flames. When I finally woke, I was burning up and soaked with sweat. I didn’t know up from down. Was I on my back, or my stomach? I flailed around until the blankets were off, and then I passed out again. I was back in the cavern. This time, the wind sucked all the heat out of my body and left me in a frozen heap. I woke up and my skin was crawling, my teeth were chattering and every hair was standing on end. I pulled the blankets back on and this cycle continued for the next 36 hours or so. I’ve had the flu many times in my life, but this was a granddaddy flu from hell. This was the kind of flu that kills people. I’ve never had an illness that came with dreams before. Finally last night, I was in the green cavern when a hole seemed to open up above me. (This isn’t an embellishment, I really dreamed it.) I could see blue sky through the opening, and all at once, my body lifted up and hurled itself through the hole. When I passed through the opening, I was floating above a giant sea of crystal clear waters that seemed to go on infinitely in all directions. I cruised above it at a high rate of speed, then woke up in a sweat soaked pile of my own mortality. It was a profound awakening. Even though I still felt like crap, I knew the worst had passed. I hope no one else gets this crap, cuz it’s bad…..real bad….